
Gain comprehensive visibility into your employees’ attendance through a centralized dashboard. Our attendance management template allows you to create real-time tracking workflows tailored to your organization’s needs.

  • Deploy your customized attendance management template in minutes.
  • Create detailed forms, including time-in and time-out, hours worked, leave requests, and annual leave balances.
  • Enhance attendance management with a centralized database, keeping you informed about employee absences.
  • Streamline your HR processes by managing attendance from a single location, eliminating the need for manual register checks.




Attendance Management

While collecting time cards and manually entering them into time sheets or spreadsheets may seem straightforward initially, it quickly becomes chaotic as the number of team members grows or during atypical weeks. An attendance management system offers a centralized solution for tracking employee time in and out, working hours, and leave requests, simplifying the process and reducing errors.




While collecting time cards and manually entering them into time sheets or spreadsheets may seem straightforward initially, it quickly becomes chaotic as the number of team members grows or during atypical weeks. An attendance management system offers a centralized solution for tracking employee time in and out, working hours, and leave requests, simplifying the process and reducing errors.